Werken bij Global KPO
Op deze pagina staan alle openstaande vacatures. Heb je interesse om te werken bij Global KPO? Stuur je cv dan op naar hr@globalkpo.com en geef in je mailtje aan in welke vacature je interesse hebt. Wij zullen vervolgens contact met je opnemen.
Verken je carrière mogelijkheden bij Global KPO. Wij motiveren onze werknemers om hun dromen in een gezonde cultuur- en werkatmosfeer na te jagen. Global KPO werkt samen met internationale klanten, wat ervoor zorgt dat haar medewerkers ook wereldwijde ervaring opdoen.
Filenet developer
IBM FileNet
IBM Advanced Case Management
IBM Datacap
Experience: 1+ Years
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Business Development Manager
Skills: The primary role of the Business Development Manager is to prospect for new clients by networking, cold calling, advertising or other means of generating interest from potential clients. They must then plan persuasive approaches and pitches that will convince potential clients to do business with the company. They must develop a rapport with new clients, and set targets for sales and provide support that will continually improve the relationship. They are also required to grow and retain existing accounts by presenting new solutions and services to clients.
Experience: 4+ Years
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Business Development Manager (Market Research – International Market)
Skills: The primary role of the Business Development Manager is to prospect for new clients by networking, cold calling, advertising or other means of generating interest from potential clients. They must then plan persuasive approaches and pitches that will convince potential clients to do business with the company. They must develop a rapport with new clients, and set targets for sales and provide support that will continually improve the relationship. They are also required to grow and retain existing accounts by presenting new solutions and services to clients.
No. of Vacancy: 1
Location: Gurgaon, India
Content Writer
Skills: Minimum 2 yrs. Experience.
No. of Vacancy: 1
Location: Gurgaon, India
Call Center Representative
Skills: Should be fluent in speaking and writing in the English language with sales experience from BPO/KPO.
No. of Vacancy: 1
Location: Gurgaon, India
ECM Junior Developer
Skills: ECM Junior Developer would be responsible for installing, configuring and / or maintenance IBM ECM producer and applications for our customers.
No. of Vacancy: 1
Location: The Netherlands